Typesetting: eli (based on WhyNot/Dekinai) I hope Masaaki Yuasa and Taiyō Matsumoto would be proud. in repeated motifs/phrases, episode titles, use of italics, color matching, font choices, and subtitle positioning. I've re-timed signs and much of the dialogue, and worked to ensure a high degree of consistency across the script, e.g. The opening, ending, and both insert songs notably use original translations, as all previous versions have significant errors or are based on misheard lyrics. (I especially put a lot of research into all the table tennis-related vocabulary and references!) Honorifics are left in. It is based on a combination of WhyNot?'s version and the official Funimation subtitles, heavily edited, with many chunks of dialogue across all episodes re-translated from scratch. The script is largely an **original translation**. Video is from philosophy-raws' JP BD release, with audio (Japanese only) in Opus 2.0 format transcoded from FLAC. The typesetting in this release is comprehensive and extremely detailed, based on the fansub group WhyNot?'s 2014 as-it-was-airing-on-broadcast-TV episode releases, with further creative modification inspired by Omeiht's "Dekinai" release of the show. Unlike most any other release of any captioned media, **these subtitles aim to be a part of the visuals of the show itself** rather than simply a layer of text laid atop video, where the lettering strives to follow the style & spirit of both the animation and the original manga paneling to which the show pays near-constant homage. It is a combination of the hard work made possible by many other people, plus hundreds of hours of meticulous revision by myself over the past two years. This is my personal, "best of all worlds, and then some" release of the 2014 anime _Ping Pong The Animation_, a project that aims to be _the_ best way to enjoy what I consider the most impactful, incredible piece of animated media of all time.